Title courtesy of Charlie...haha!
Man I forgot yesterday's...
Day 90...2008 .dinner's served.
March 29, 2008
I found this out on a tree in our backyard. So we are going to watch it and see what it turns into. The kids are excited to see!
I pulled out my 50mm to test it out. My brother may want to buy it so I had to make sure it is still operating. LOL! This is sooc, and cropped. Man it is a nice sharp little lens! He'll love it if he does decide to take it!
I also wanted to mention something my sister posted on her blog.Go check it out! The "earth hour" is tonight at 8PM local time so if you are interested in participating, go find out what it is all about now. =)
March 25, 2008
My sister came to visit this week. Her kids have gotten so big! And it had only been a couple months since we saw them!
And even though this pic isn't perfect...it is perfect! LOL!